Sunday, September 29, 2013

Storm Preparation-

It's important to have a family emergency plan in place for flooding or any other natural or man-made disaster. This plan is a pre-determined set of action steps that you will take during a disastrous event. We never know if or when a disaster will strike, but preparing in advance increases our safety and lessens our anxieties during an emergency.

An important part of preparing for floods is putting together an emergency flood kit - one that is portable so you can take it with you if directed to evacuate. Your emergency flood kit should contain essential supplies for a minimum of three days.

Emergency Flood Kit Checklist-
-battery or crank-operated radio and batteries
-first aid kit/supplies
-prescription medicine
-a whistle
-copies of important documents in a plastic bag (driver's license, insurance and bank/credit card information, family and other contact information)
-flashlight with extra batteries
-3-day supply of non-perishable food and water
-warm clothing, sturdy shoes/boots and blankets
-personal hygiene and sanitation supplies
-comfort items for children (books, games and toys)

If you need to report a claim call our HelpPoint Claims Dept. 
You can also call us to talk about your damages. 
360-414-8754 or 360-736-8090